Augmentation Rhinoplasty alarplasty
Augmentation Rhinoplasty
Reduction Rhinoplasty with Septoplasty
Nose Surgery
Nose Job
There are several techniques used to perform this procedure. An incision may be made under the rim, or within the nose, and the soft tissue separated. The bone and cartilage is then re-sculpted and the skin sealed with fine sutures to minimize scarring. Patients with fine deviated septum may have it corrected during surgery to improve breathing problems. Prior to surgery, your surgeon may place drops in your nose to eliminate bleeding during surgery and constrict blood vessels.
2-5 hours
Local anesthesia or general anesthesia - discussed with your surgeon.
Before surgery, please inform your surgeon of any allergies, all medical conditions, and any medication that you are taking (both prescription and non-prescription).
To eliminate the chance of post op. bleeding, you should avoid aspirin and any medication containing aspirin for 2 weeks prior to surgery. You should also not smoke for 1-2 months prior to surgery as smoking can affect your reaction to the anesthetic and slow down the healing process. Patients who suffer from hypertension must inform the surgeon prior to surgery.
Following surgery, your surgeon may ask you to wear a splint to support the position of the nasal bones. This usually stays in place for about 2 weeks. Gauze packing inside your nose may also be needed to avoid bleeding. This is usually removed the day after surgery. During the first 3 days following surgery, it is highly encouraged to rest and avoid any activities that will increase heart pumping which cause further bleeding and more swelling. Keep lying in the high head position and in a cool place. Keep applying a cold pack over the nose, eye and cheek area. Avoid nasal wound breaking from trying to remove any scab.