

The main reason for electing a face lift is to combat the effects of aging. Facial skin and jowls and loose neck skin are among the main complaints that can be corrected with a face lift.

The usual candidates are men and women over the age of 40 years.

Surgical/Procedure Name


Common Name

Face lift

Surgical Procedure

During a facelift, the tissues under the skin are tightened and fat pads that give the face shape are relocated to a higher position. This helps create a firmer, more youthful appearance. Incisions are usually made above and across the hairline in order to diminish scarring. The incision then follows the crease in front of the ear, behind the ear, and along the lower scalp so as to make scars invisible with fine sutures. The surgeon separates the skin from the fat and tightens the muscles beneath with dissolvable sutures, then tightens and cuts the excess skin. Excess muscle may be trimmed and excess fat may be suctioned from around the neck and chin area to improve the contour.


2-10 hours


General anesthesia - discussed with your surgeon

Pre Operative Care

Before surgery, please inform your surgeon of any allergies, all medical conditions, and any medication that you are taking (both prescription and non-prescription).

To eliminate the chance of post op. bleeding, you should avoid aspirin and any medication containing aspirin for 2 weeks prior to surgery. You should also not smoke for 1-2 months prior to surgery as smoking can affect your reaction to the anesthetic and slow down the healing process. Patients who suffer from hypertension must inform the surgeon prior to surgery.

Post Operative Care

Following surgery, if the surgeon feels it necessary, you may have a small tube temporarily inserted under the skin behind your ear to drain any blood or excess fluid. This is usually removed a day after surgery. You may also wake up with your head in bandages to minimize bruising and swelling. Loose bandages will be removed within a couple of days, but a compression garment may need to be worn for a few weeks.

It is important not to perform any strenuous activities after surgery to avoid tension on the wound, which could stretch your incisions and cause scarring. Dental work is not advised.

The recovery takes 1-2 weeks. Although you may have some bruising or swelling, most people are happy with the result and may return to work after approximately 2 weeks.

Risks and Complications

Like all surgical procedures, face lift surgery has its own set of risks and side effects.


Knowing what complications may arise, as well as what can prevent them, will help patients enjoy a positive experience.

Possible Complications
  • Infection
  • Excessive bleeding
  • Adverse Reaction to anesthesia
  • Need for second or more procedures
  • Scarring
  • Numbness or loss of sensation
  • Hematoma

In order to prevent any serious difficulties, patients are strongly urged to follow all instructions provided by their surgeon.

Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner